I'm certain that it has something to do with the servlet container's
tag caching mechanism.  My failure was on OrionServer 1.5.2, yet I was
able to get it to work (with seperate statements) on Tomcat 4b6.

I was also able to "hack" around it by making sure each query returned
the same number of columns, but I was not getting a NPE as you are.

For you're specific problem you should contact the resin-interest list
and report it.  I need to do something similar for the JSPTL tags...

Lance (the original poster of this thread)

--- Steve Philp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm not the original poster, but I'm experiencing similar problems
> with
> all pages that use multiple statements.  The pages work correctly
> with
> Resin 1.2.7, but fail on Resin 2.0.1.  The dbtags library I'm using

> The pages respond with a NullPointerException when run under the
> newer
> Resin.  If I remove _either_ of the queries, the page displays
> correctly.  It doesn't matter which I remove... just have to leave a
> single <sql:statement>.

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