Curious.  It certainly seems to be an issue with the app server, although I suppose it 
could also be a misinterpretation of the spec on my part.

I know that the JSP JSRs have gone back and forth over time on the meaning of the id 
attribute; sadly I don't know all the details since JSRs are a closed forum.  You 
might want to check the Resin website for any outstanding issues.

Steve Philp wrote on 8/8/01 8:24 am:

>Morgan Delagrange wrote:
>> The syntax of DBTags 
>definitely does not support 
>multiple queries per 
>statement tag (i.e. your 
>pseudo-code example will 
>not work.)
>> It's curious that using 
>separate statement tags did 
>not work however.  Could you 
>send pseudo code for that 
>I'm not the original poster, 
>but I'm experiencing similar 
>problems with all pages that 
>use multiple statements.  
>The pages work correctly 
>with Resin 1.2.7, but fail on 
>Resin 2.0.1.  The dbtags 
>library I'm using is dated 
>The pages look like this:
>       <sql:connection 
>       </sql:connection>
>       <sql:statement id='foo' 
>         <sql:query>
>               select * from 
>         </sql:query>
>         <sql:resultSet id='rs'>
>           <sql:getColumn 
>olumn position='2'/><br>
>         </sql:resultSet>
>       </sql:statement>
>       <sql:statement id='bar' 
>         <sql:query>
>               select * from 
>         </sql:query>
>         <sql:resultSet id='rs2'>
>           <sql:getColumn 
>olumn position='2'/><br>
>         </sql:resultSet>
>       </sql:statement>
>       <sql:closeConnection 
>The pages respond with a 
>NullPointerException when 
>run under the newer Resin.  If 
>I remove _either_ of the 
>queries, the page displays 
>correctly.  It doesn't matter 
>which I remove... just have to 
>leave a single 
>Steve Philp
>Advance Packaging 

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