I am trying to use jakrata taglib JSTL, particulary forEach taglib.
I look at the given examples and I don't understand how to initialize
collection on which the forEach applies ; or getting iteraot variable
without accessing pageContext of my JSP.

used tld is c-rt an I do the JSP import like explained into tutorials :
<%@taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/ea/core"; prefix="c"%>

I initilize my collections using beans : "
  Collection serialNos = datamodule.getAllApplicableSerialNos("HAP");

and I must use pageContext.getAttribute to get back iterators values :"
                    <c:forEach var="serial" items="<%= serialNos %>">
                      <option><%= pageContext.getAttribute("serial")

Is ot normal and is there a way to do it without accessing pageContext,
using only 
current and normal runtime ?


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