On Thu, 14 Mar 2002, RAYMOND Romain wrote:

> I initilize my collections using beans : "
> <%
>   Collection serialNos = datamodule.getAllApplicableSerialNos("HAP");
> %>
> "
> and I must use pageContext.getAttribute to get back iterators values :"
>                     <c:forEach var="serial" items="<%= serialNos %>">
>                       <option><%= pageContext.getAttribute("serial")
> %></option>
>                     </c:forEach>
> "
> Is ot normal and is there a way to do it without accessing
> pageContext, using only current and normal runtime ?

If you need to use the 'rtexprvalue' library and scripting variables, you
can declare the scripting variables with a <jsp:useBean> tag:

   <c:forEach var="serial ...>
     <jsp:useBean id="serial" type="..." />
     <option><%= serial %></option>

Shawn Bayern
Author, "JSP Standard Tag Library"  http://www.jstlbook.com
(coming this summer from Manning Publications)

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