When I try to use a parameter inside the body of a sql:query tag I got the following 
exception : (after a 4 exception with message null and priviledge error)

javax.servlet.ServletException: The taglib validtor in 
"urn:jsptld:/WEB-INF/tlds/sql.tld?page=/bodyXXX.jsp" failed to validate document with 
message "nullInvalid use of "param" tag outside legitimate parent tag".

This page is called with this tag from another page:
<jsp:include page="bodyXXXX.jsp" flush="true">
                                <jsp:param name="dataIn" value="${dataIn}"/>
                                <jsp:param name="nArtxPag" value="${nArtxPag}"/>

Inside my bodyXXXX.jsp I call this tag: 

<c:set var="dataIn1" value="${param.dataIn}" />
<sql:query var="ep"  dataSource="java:comp/env/jdbc/bancavistamio" maxRows="8">
        select  *
         from Product P
         where P.ProductId <1000    
          and datediff(d,'?',P.DataPubblicazione) < 0 
  <sql:param value="${dataIn1}"/>

Consider that I cannot use the attribute sql="" inside the query because there is the 
< char that is invalid inside the attribute.
Would be so easy , but why it doesn't work??
Can you help me?
Thanks in advance
Andrea Grittini

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