
Thanks for this - this was just a bug.  We actually never created a
separate TLV for the SQL library, so it was pointing at the "core"
library's validator and thus inheriting its semantics.  I've fixed the
problem in the current CVS head.

Thanks again,

Shawn Bayern
Author, "JSP Standard Tag Library"
(coming this summer from Manning Publications)

On Tue, 2 Apr 2002, Andrea Grittini wrote:

> When I try to use a parameter inside the body of a sql:query tag I got
> the following exception : (after a 4 exception with message null and
> priviledge error)
> javax.servlet.ServletException: The taglib validtor in 
>"urn:jsptld:/WEB-INF/tlds/sql.tld?page=/bodyXXX.jsp" failed to validate document with 
>message "nullInvalid use of "param" tag outside legitimate parent tag".
> This page is called with this tag from another page:
> <jsp:include page="bodyXXXX.jsp" flush="true">
>                               <jsp:param name="dataIn" value="${dataIn}"/>
>                               <jsp:param name="nArtxPag" value="${nArtxPag}"/>
>                       </jsp:include>
> Inside my bodyXXXX.jsp I call this tag: 
> <c:set var="dataIn1" value="${param.dataIn}" />
> <sql:query var="ep"  dataSource="java:comp/env/jdbc/bancavistamio" maxRows="8">
>       select  *
>        from Product P
>        where P.ProductId <1000    
>         and datediff(d,'?',P.DataPubblicazione) < 0 
>   <sql:param value="${dataIn1}"/>
> </sql:query>  
> Consider that I cannot use the attribute sql="" inside the query because there is 
>the < char that is invalid inside the attribute.
> Would be so easy , but why it doesn't work??
> Can you help me?
> Thanks in advance
> Andrea Grittini
> --
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