On Wed, 24 Apr 2002, Henri Yandell wrote:

> I was asking more if there could be a preForEach and postForEach
> internal tags. It's not something I've seen in custom JSPs much yet,
> special concents which do different things. So:
> <c:preForEach varStatus="s">.....</c:preForEach>
> etc. Take away the iffing and elsing for what is a very standard thing
> to do.

You could write such a custom tag using the LoopTagStatus interface
exposed by the JSTL LoopTag interface; there didn't seem to be any reason
to design standard tags for these particular cases given how easy the
<c:if> syntax is.  But custom-tag authors can write tags to "sense" the
first or last iteration, differentiate between even and odd rows, and so

Shawn Bayern
"JSP Standard Tag Library"   http://www.jstlbook.com
(coming this summer from Manning Publications)

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