On Tue, 18 Jun 2002, Halvorson, Loren wrote:

> I just downloaded the standard tag library RC1 newly posted by Shawn which
> is supposed to be the same as the 1.0 release.  I noticed that the XML
> parser has been changed from Xerces to Crimson, and wonder if this is what
> is causing the following exception.

This is a good point; we have been using Crimson at Jakarta, but WSDP uses
Xerces.  This is intentional, but it's only a temporary workaround and
inconsistency; Tomcat 4.0.3 had a bug that prevented the JAXP 1.2 classes
from loading successfully, and our policy has been to track Tomcat
*releases* (not milestones) with our versions.  Thus, we have had to wait
for 4.0.4 final to move to bundling JAXP 1.2 with the Standard Taglib.  
Now that this release has been done, we can use JAXP 1.2 in the upcoming,
final Standard 1.0 release.

All clear?  :-)  Dealing with different XML libraries is always irritating
and tricky...  Fortunately, it'll all be tied up nicely very soon.

> description The server encountered an internal error (Internal Server
> Error) that prevented it from fulfilling this request. exception
> javax.servlet.ServletException: SAX2 driver class
> org.apache.crimson.parser.XMLReaderImpl not found

I'm not sure I understand this error yet, but I'll try to look into it
more closely.

Shawn Bayern
"JSTL in Action"   http://www.jstlbook.com
(coming in July 2002 from Manning Publications)

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