On Wed, 17 Jul 2002, Leif Hanack wrote:

> > If you don't want to let the user set information on an object with
> > <c:set>, it must not have setter methods.  You can always wrap the
> > underlying object in a wrapper that provides only one-way access, but an
> > interface does not provide this protection.
> mmh?! thanks so fare. i'm a bit disappointed of EL concerning this pouint. 
> even the usebean tag has a possibility to define a type of an object. 
> why doesn't EL have?! 
> i think the loss of using interfaces is a big disadvantage. on the 
> serverside it will not be clear, why i have a class User with getter
> and setter and a User2 with just setter.

One of the prices we pay for more convenience for page authors is the loss
of some distinctions like this.  With scriptlets and <jsp:useBean>, the
types of variables are kept track of.  When you store objects in a Map, or
in typeless containers like those that hold scoped variables, the
reference you might have used at one point in your code is

We've tossed around the idea of having a <jsp:declare> tag to keep track
of the types of variables.  But that wouldn't provide any meaningful
safety *from* the page author, if that's what you're looking for.

Shawn Bayern
"JSTL in Action"   http://www.jstlbook.com
(coming in July 2002 from Manning Publications)

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