On Tue, 15 Oct 2002, Stefan wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a bean that I use to format text in my JSP pages. The bean contains several 
>methods that take strings as arguements and then returns a string.
> The following is an attempt to use such a bean method, but it seems the tag is not 
>passing the processed result, instead the tag is being passed as a literal string 
>(for lack of better terms).
> <%= gui.displaySex("<c_rt:out value='${value.sex}'/>")%>
> The tag normally returns either 'm' or ' f ' but inside the scriptlet the method 
>gets the actual tag?
> <c_rt:out value='${value.sex}'/>
> Instead of the rendered value.
> As you may have noticed I am trying to use the rt version of the core taglib 
>thinking that this might do the trick.
> Any suggestions,

<c_rt:out .../> is a JSP tag. ie) an element of the JSP language.
<%= %>   [and others like <% %>] are JSP tags which wrap Java.
gui.displaySex is Java.

I'm skating a little fine with the definitions, but the basic problem is
that you have JSP code where the system expects Java code.

Would you expect:

<img src="http://example.com/index.html";> to work?

No, because an image doesn't expect a html page, it expects an image, be
in png/jpeg/gif etc. Same thing here. <% %>  <%= %> effectively mark the
entry into a different type of context, similar to how " marks the exit
from Java syntax and entry into String syntax.

ie)   "if {"  is different to if {

The rtexpr bit means that you could do:

<c:out value="value--[<c:out value="foo"/>]"/>  or some such

ie) a c:out in the attribute of another c:out [or other tag].


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