I'm sorry for the post to this list, but I haven't had much luck in a lot of
other places. So I'm hoping this community can help me out.

I'm looking for a cheap JSP host with decent support (That means a <24 hour
turnaround on questions)

I've now tried 2 ISPs and I'm just not happy with either of them. I want to
spend < $60 /mo  for this is just for development of an idea.

I just want Tomcat 4 or some other good Container.
Ftp access.  
Ssh access would be nice but not necessary
Multiple POP accounts
Multiple domainname hosting and webmail if they have it. (I'm willing to
install a jsp mail web front end. But I haven't had much luck with jwebmail

If you have any experience with an ISP that meets this criteria please email
me off list at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks in advance and again my apologies for the offtopic post.

<---- -- --- --|  |-- --- -- ---->
Philip J. Ives


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