Hi to the list

Fist sorry for my english I am italian :o)
I use JSTL with JRUN4

some question about JSTL.

The Sql tag is very usefull but I read in "JSTL in ACTION" that it don't support pooling connection. Is true?

with this tag:
<!--This script work but the pooling connection? -->
driver="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" dataSource="jdbc:mysql://"

This script don't work. The error is:"No suitable driver"
In Jrun admin console the JNDI is "aosta_db" and jrun send this message: "Connected to aosta_db successfully".

driver="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" dataSource="aosta_db"

The book suggest to use the JNDI to bind a database with the poolconnection.Idea?

I need read a recorset JSTL with JSP script because the JSTL tag put "\n" each time I close a tag. I need an output without "\n" but I like JSTL recorset.

<c:set var="language_set" value="it" />2
<sql:query var="elenco" >
SELECT ID_news,data,
titolo_<c:out value="${language_set}" /> as titolo,
abstract_<c:out value="${language_set}" /> as abstract,
testo_<c:out value="${language_set}" /> as testo,
FROM tb_news
The follow script don't work. Do you now where path recorset variables are?

Any Help very Usefull

Thanks Lorenzo Sicilia

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