Hey Deepak,

Looks like you have a taglibrary in there somewhere that has an incorrect or missing 
<!DOCTYPE> declaration in it's tld file. The DOCTYPE is required to be correct by the 
XML parser so it can check if you have the syntax of your XML-file(in your case 
tld-file) correct.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: deepaksawdekar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: donderdag 2 oktober 2003 10:48
> Subject: Re: Need Help Getting Taglibs Working
> Hello,
> I am facing a problem while starting tomcat with struts and 
> JSTL. I read all the mail for reply to your mail in the 
> taglibs-user list. But was more confused. Can you please help 
> me to recetify the problem.
> I am getting the same error which you got. 
> "org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Document root element 
> "taglib", must match DOCTYPE root "null".
> I am using tomcat 4.1.12 
> my dir structure is as follows.
> web-inf /
>       /c-1_0.tld
>       /display.tld
>       /struts-bean.tld
>       /struts-html.tld
>       /struts-html-el.tld
>       /struts-logic.tld
>       /struts-nested.tld
>       /struts-template.tld
>       /struts-tiles.tld
> web-inf/lib/
>       /struts.jar
>       /standard.jar
>       /arm-3.0.jar
>       /blf-client.jar
>       /commons-beanutils.jar
>       /commons-collections.jar
>       /commond-dbcp.jar
>       /commons-digester.jar
>       /commons-lang.jar
>       /commons-logging.jar
>       /commons-pool.jar
>       /commons-services.jar
>       /commons-validator.jar
>       /jcs.jar
>       /jmxri.jar
>       /jmxtools.jar
>       /jstl.jar
>       /struts-el.jar
> And I had a following taglib entry in web.xml
>   <!-- Struts Tag Library Descriptors -->
>   <taglib>
>     <taglib-uri>/tags/struts-bean</taglib-uri>
>     <taglib-location>/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld</taglib-location>
>   </taglib>
>   <taglib>
>     <taglib-uri>/tags/struts-html</taglib-uri>
>     <taglib-location>/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld</taglib-location>
>   </taglib>
>   <taglib>
>       <taglib-uri>/tags/struts-html-el</taglib-uri>
>       <taglib-location>/WEB-INF/struts-html-el.tld</taglib-location>
>   </taglib>
>   <taglib>
>     <taglib-uri>/tags/struts-logic</taglib-uri>
>     <taglib-location>/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld</taglib-location>
>   </taglib>
>   <taglib>
>     <taglib-uri>/tags/struts-nested</taglib-uri>
>     <taglib-location>/WEB-INF/struts-nested.tld</taglib-location>
>   </taglib>
>   <taglib>
>     <taglib-uri>/tags/struts-template</taglib-uri>
>     <taglib-location>/WEB-INF/struts-template.tld</taglib-location>
>   </taglib>
>   <taglib>
>     <taglib-uri>/tags/struts-tiles</taglib-uri>
>     <taglib-location>/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld</taglib-location>
>   </taglib>
>   <taglib>
>         <taglib-uri>/tags/c</taglib-uri>
>         <taglib-location>/WEB-INF/c-1_0.tld</taglib-location>
>   </taglib>
>   <!-- Pagination Tag Library Descriptors -->
>   <taglib>
>         <taglib-uri>/tags/display</taglib-uri>
>         <taglib-location>/WEB-INF/display.tld</taglib-location>
>   </taglib>
> </web-app>
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