You shouldn't be able to execute JSPs within your WEB-INF, so all 3 of your examples should be forbidden.

I think you might want to submit a bug report to whatever servlet engine you're using.

Serge Knystautas
Lokitech >> software . strategy . design >>
p. 301.656.5501

Manolo Ramirez T. wrote:

I have this problem with Tomcat 4.1.24 and taglibs-standard 1.0.3. When I try lo include a jsp inside WEB-INF I must to use an absolute url, this are my files:

# /WEB-INF/jsp/prueba.jsp #
<%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="c" %>
<c:import url="prueba2.jsp"/> <%-- doesn't work! --%>

############################ # /WEB-INF/jsp/prueba1.jsp # ############################ <%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="c" %> <c:import url="/WEB-INF/jsp/prueba2.jsp"/> <%-- works fine --%>

# /WEB-INF/jsp/prueba2.jsp #


<jsp:include> works well with relative url's, What I'm missing? Is there any way to use c:import to do this?. Help please.

Thanks in advance.

Manolo Ramirez T.

PD: forgive my english!

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