Yes it is part of the servlet spec, and it's a violation of the Java language spec. Resin has the classloader hack set to true by default, so you get the same behavior as you would expect in Tomcat or other servlet containers.

Serge Knystautas
Lokitech >> software . strategy . design >>
p. 301.656.5501

Dennis Warren wrote:
Thanks for the help.

Out of curiosity, maybe I've been working with tomcat for too long, but isn't loading jar's from webapp/lib a standard of the servlet spec?

Eric W Hauser wrote:

Resin won't load from the webapp/lib directory unless you turn on the
classloader hack.  I've been using the following method of defining jars
specific to a webapp with a lot of success (in web.xml):

<classpath id="/path/to/jarfile.jar" />

Also if you to add a whole directory:

<classpath id="/path/to/jarfile.jar" library-dir="true" />

Keep in mind that this won't work if you decide not to use Resin.  You
can add this to resin.conf as well if you want to load jars after the
system classloader.

If you are just using the core and fmt tag library, I would recommended
just using Resin's internal implementation.  I've used it without any

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