If it isn't obvious yet, try:

  <c:redirect url="/SearchAction.do"/>

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gao Di [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> i use struts framework in my project,and use the jstl
> in the jsp page.now i want to write a page which will
> auto forward to a struts action class,but whatever i
> use jstl or jsp ,it can't find the url either.
> in jstl i use:<c:redirect url="SearchAction.do"/>
> and in jsp i use:
> <jsp:forward page="SearchAction.do"/>
> if i change the url to "xxx.jsp" or a simple hello
> world servlet,it's ok.but if i use struts
> action,evertime i got page 404,url not found.
> cause i think the struts action is also a servlet in 
> essential,maybe there is a way to solve this problem.

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