i thought it would just be something like

<fmt:setLocale value="the intended local" />
<fmt:formatNumber value="${dblValue}" />

But i can be wrong... always... :)

On Mon, 13 Sep 2004 16:50:37 -0400, Bill Siggelkow
> Is it possible to apply a localized pattern when using the
> fmt:formatNumber tag?
> In other words, I would like the following to work correctly if my
> locale is some European locale like Russian:
> Say,I have a Double with a value of "12345.34"
> <fmt:formatNumber value="${dblValue}" pattern="# ##0,00"/>
> This does not apply the pattern as a localized pattern ... it does work
> correctly if the pattern is *not* localized as in:
> <fmt:formatNumber value="${dblValue}" pattern="#,##0.00"/>
> The reason I am asking is that the Struts bean:write tag supports
> pulling the format String from a resource bundle; but the value is
> treated as a localized pattern. I am trying to get equivalent behavior
> with the fmt:formatNumber tag.
> Let me know if I have not explained this adequately :)
> - Bill Siggelkow
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