MySQL will by default close a db connection after it has been idle
for 8 hours. You need to add the following to your jdbc connect url
"?autoReconnect=true" to tell the MySQL JDBC driver to automatically
reconnect to the db.

Your url would be:


This might solve your problem.



On Mon, Nov 15, 2004 at 05:08:51PM +0100, Lorenzo Sicilia wrote:
> Kris Schneider wrote:
> >Do you have a context init param in web.xml for
> >"javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.sql.dataSource"? If so, are you using a JNDI 
> >relative
> >path or a JDBC parameters string?
> Yes, I have. In my web.xml
> <context-param>
>       <param-name>javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.sql.dataSource</param-name>
>       <param-value>mkterritoriale</param-value>
> </context-param>
> in my jrun-resource.xml
> in my datasource:
> <data-source>
> <dbname>mkterritoriale</dbname>
> <driver></driver>
> <url>jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mkterritoriale</url>
> <username>mkterritoriale</username>
> <password>024D558B4C511144AACF41A214868DAB</password>
> <encrypted>true</encrypted>
> <encryption-class></encryption-class>
> <native-results>true</native-results>
> <remove-on-exceptions>true</remove-on-exceptions>
> <pool-statements>true</pool-statements>
> <initial-connections>1</initial-connections>
> <connection-timeout>1200</connection-timeout>
> <transaction-timeout>20</transaction-timeout>
> <cache-enabled>false</cache-enabled>
> <cache-size>5</cache-size>
> <cache-refresh-interval>30</cache-refresh-interval>
> <jndi-name>mkterritoriale</jndi-name>
> <poolname>Pool</poolname>
> <minimum-size>0</minimum-size>
> <maximum-size>2147483647</maximum-size>
> <user-timeout>20</user-timeout>
> <skimmer-frequency>420</skimmer-frequency>
> <shrink-by>5</shrink-by>
> <maximum-soft>true</maximum-soft>
> <debugging>false</debugging>
> <disable-pooling>false</disable-pooling>
> <description/>
> </data-source>
>  Which version of the Standard taglib (JSTL)
> >are you using (1.0 or 1.1)?
> 1.0.6
> >As an aside, attempting to close a connection that is already closed is a 
> >no-op,
> >it should not generate an error. The same holds true for a statement. What 
> >driver are you using?
> mysql-connector-java-3.0.15-ga-bin.jar
> thanks in advace.
> regards Lorenzo
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