Okay, so what if you try this:

Download Xalan 2.6.0 and place the following JAR files in


Set the JAVA_OPTS env var in the shell where you start TC:


Place *only* the following JAR files from Standard 1.0.x in WEB-INF/lib:


Do *not* place the JAR files from jakarta-taglibs-standard-1.0.x/lib on the

Quoting Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Thu, 3 Mar 2005 19:45:38 +0530, Vivek Kumar Gupta
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Hen,
> > 
> > today I have done some analysis about the JVM Crash:
> > 1. Jakarta Taglibs are using the Sun XML parser.
> Rather than the Sun XML parser, it's probably the Apache variants of
> such jars. Ones very much like them were found in Sun's JDK 1.4.
> > 2. Now on AIX Machine only IBM Java will run, which in turn will use XML4J
> > i.e. ibm xml java parser.
> 75% sure of the below:
> W3C XML spec jars. 
> thirdparty/jakarta-taglibs/standard-1.0.2/lib/dom.jar: 
> thirdparty/jakarta-taglibs/standard-1.0.2/lib/sax.jar:  
> Sun parser itself. Problem probably in here.
> thirdparty/jakarta-taglibs/standard-1.0.2/lib/jaxp-api.jar:  
> These two are XPath implementations which sit on top of the other jars.
> thirdparty/jakarta-taglibs/standard-1.0.2/lib/jaxen-full.jar: 
> thirdparty/jakarta-taglibs/standard-1.0.2/lib/saxpath.jar: 
> > 
> > Conclusion : So something is happening due to Sun XML parser.
> Sounding much more likely, at least we're getting lower in the
> technology stack and closer to the things that can blow up :)
> > 3. question due to curiosity why Taglibs is not using consolidated xml
> java
> > parser.
> Probably due to version considerations. I can't recall exactly which
> version of Java that the JSTL 1.0 spec targets, but I suspect it's
> J2SE 1.2 and consolidated xml parsers weren't there in 1.2.
> > if can guide something to avoid this JVM Crash please do suggest.
> Not got a lot, my AIX experience is limited to figuring out how to
> make an ftp server work.
> Are you able to identify the snippet of JSTL in question which is
> causing the crash? If so, then you can either post that here or dig
> into the source code and extract the XML parsing code in question,
> then get it running outside of a servlet container and hopefully have
> a nice tight example of the bug with which to post about on Sun or
> IBM's site.
> Assuming it is the XML (and doubt is your best friend in these
> situations), this list probably lacks the knowledge to help at that
> stage, but we can help get there.
> Hen

Kris Schneider <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
D.O.Tech       <http://www.dotech.com/>

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