Robert Bowen wrote:

> No, "path = ${path} does not work. I am using JSTL 1.0 and Servlet 2.4.
> So can I do this? ...Without changing versions of JSTL / Servlet?

short answer: no. Though I'm not sure where that <img:... tag comes
from, haven't used it myself.

But if you're using a 2.4 deployment descriptor -- check what's at
the beginning of your application's web.xml -- upgrading to JSTL 1.1
is as simple as downloading and replacing a couple of jar files...

And well worth it, IMO -- replacing all those `<c:out value="${path}"/>`
statements with `${path}` cleans up a workspace most wonderfully :-)

Hassan Schroeder ----------------------------- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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