Hmm ... well, I guess I downloaded the wrong library. Anyway, I was wrong in my 
last email, using a java scriptlet I got it to work.

But I don't think I am going to be able to use it. Since I am generating images 
on the fly in a loop, so that the image tag doesn't generate the image once and 
then spit that same image out x number of times I have to give each image NAME 
a unique name. No problem, I just use the loop counter. But if I don't put 
refresh=true, it still only generates one image, and spits it out for every 
iteration of the loop. I don't get this behaviour really ... assuming each name 
is unique, even though refresh=false it should generate a unique image for each 
iteration the first time the page is accessed and then just load them from the 
disk for all future page accesses. But that's not the case.

Anyway, if I leave refesh=true it seems to work but it takes a looooong time to 
generate the images (in the docs it recommends against setting refresh=true) 
and that's with only 2 images on the page! When I have 20, fugetaboudit!

So I decided to stick a little code in my app that saves a reduced version of 
the image and spit that version out as a thumbnail in the page, and to show the 
larger version when they click on the thumbmail.

Anyway, I want to thank everyone for the posts. I am going to have to try using 
the latest JSTL library from Apache and see if I can't get the JSTL tags to 
work with nested JSTL runtime expressions, since sticking scriptlets in there 
is a) ugly and b) kind of defeats the purpose of using tags in the first place!

Thanks again!

Hassan Schroeder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Robert Bowen wrote:
> The image tag I am referring to,  is NOT HTML but rather the Jakarta taglib 
> as the last poster mentioned.
> Neither this: 

Just out of curiousity, I downloaded the nightly of the image
taglib (and dependencies) and tried it; the following JSP page:

<%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="c" %>
<%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="img" %>


:: works exactly as expected, printing the value of 'imageSource'
and displaying that image...

> I downloaded jstl 1.1 (the jar that comes with Java SDK 1.4, 
> appserv-jstl.jar, right?) 

No idea what that is; I'm using the Apache/Jakarta implementation:

Hassan Schroeder ----------------------------- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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