
Under jsp 2.0 (jstl 1.2), is there any way to force <c:import>, or
perhaps the requestDispatcher.include() in particular, to set up a new
request scope when the resource is in the same context?  I'm using
<c:import> to do sort of a lightweight tiles replacement for a page
menu, and the imported servlet execution is stomping on some of my
request variables that my controller sets up for the view.  So, for

Controller does request.setAttribute("someModel",x);

jsp does <c:import>

imported controller does request.setAttribute("someModel",y)

jsp for imported controller is happy (finds y)

import returns

jspi for original controller finds y instead of x under "someModel",
and bad things happen.

I'd really like the imported servlet to see a wrapped/cloned request,
in which it muck with anything, but that the original request context
is untouched.  I don't know if this prohibited by the jsp spec though.


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