12/11/12 17:54, intrigeri wrote:
> Hi,
> intrigeri wrote (07 Nov 2012 07:56:48 GMT) :
>> (Testing on Squeeze might be useful too, by the way, in case we want
>> to ship these config files on current Tails. But it seems more
>> important to me to get that fixed upstream, that is in Debian Wheezy.)
> I've tested the suggested configuration both on Tails 0.14 and on
> Wheezy, both on LCD and CRT. The result is:
>   * much better on LCD than without this configuration

Tested, but I couldn't see any difference. OTOH, I'm no font snob. :)

>   * good enough on CRT

Not tested.

> => please review and merge feature/nicer-fonts for 0.15.



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