On 14/08/13 04:14, Jacob Appelbaum wrote:
> Hi,
> I've noticed that since upgrading 0.20 that one of my Tails enabled
> laptops has some issues. Namely - after the system is idle for a while -
> say ~10 minutes - the screen blanks and then the system appears to have
> locked up. I've heard this from a few other Tails users - though there
> isn't anything consistent - a variety of laptops are in use. The systems
> didn't have any other changes - I've verified that my BIOS firmware
> hasn't changed, nor has any of the other programmable firmware in my
> machine where I am able to dump the flashable memory/eeprom/chips.
> Has anyone else noticed these changes since 0.19? Is there an easy way
> to try to log these errors to a Persistent part of the system?

What you are describing reminds me of other issue:

"screen turns black after 10 minutes regarless of screensaver settings"

The DPMS energy saving takes precedences over the configured screensaver
and turns the screen black after 10 minutes. Maybe something got even
more fucked up regarding DPMS since Tails 0.20.

I bet that disabling DPMS with `xset -dpms s off` would work around that

Do you might investigating in Debian or in the new kernel 3.10-1 if
other people complain about new issues in DPMS?

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