Thanks sajolida, also u, for the welcome. I'll reply to the topics below on the 
relevant mailing lists.

All of this sounds really interesting. Thanks a lot for joining in!

Seeing your skills, I think that the most suitable mailing lists for be

to be on would be tails-ux (where we discuss UX related stuff, new

interface design, wording, etc.):


In comparison tails-dev is where the discussion on code, features, etc.


Regarding translation management. We worked a few weeks ago on a set of 
requirements to improve our translation infrastructure (currently if people 
want to translate the website, they have to do it through Git and emails). The 
requirements are here:


Since you're knowledgeable about Transifex it would be extremely useful if you 
could report on the compliance of Transifex regarding those requirements. We 
already have our custom programs translated on Transifex but none of us really 
got deep into it and I don't think that we've ever sat down to check Transifex 
against this new list of requirements. This discussion should happen on 
tails-l10n instead.


There's quite a bit of traffic related to Git pull requests on tail-l10n

that might not be of interest to you but the discussion about the

infrastructure happens there as well.


Ok Google
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