Yeah, yeah, sigh, it's me again....

Now I am running into a new issue, but I believe, something external happened.

For learning I removed all the downloaded things completely. Then I deleted 
also ~/.vagrant.d/ in my home and started from the beginning with a new git 
clone and a new, but unchanged build.

The proper way to reset and start over is to run: rake clean_all

But now there is a new issue, related to vagrant. Please take a look at the 
last output.

---- snip ---------

*==> box: Box file was not detected as metadata. Adding it directly...*
*==> box: Adding box 'tails-builder-amd64-buster-20210710-de2318f3ae' (v0) for 
provider: *
    box: Unpacking necessary files from: 
10710-de2318f3ae.box *==> box: Successfully added box 
'tails-builder-amd64-buster-20210710-de2318f3ae' (v0) for 'libvirt'!*
Bringing machine 'default' up with 'libvirt' provider... *==> default: Creating 
image (snapshot of base box volume).*
Volume for domain is already created. Please run 'vagrant destroy' first.

The basebox in ~/.vagrant.d are unpacked and the virtual machine images imported by 
libvirt and stored somewhere else, hence the "already created" above.

List images with:

    virsh -c qemu:///system vol-list default

Detele with:

    virsh -c qemu:///system vol-delete --pool default VOLUME_NAME

So I suspect you will fix your issue with:

    virsh -c qemu:///system vol-delete --pool default 

I wasa not lazy, and searched the web. vagrant destroy does not work, and 
vagrant global-status is telling me, there is no session running.

I believe you! Our documentation about this is a bit lacking, and naturally 
we'd be thrilled to receive your patches improving them! :)

OTOH, I don't think there was any good reason for you to start over like you 

Good luck!
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