
After a discussion with Disoj and boyska, we'll now track our roadmap
using quarterly *labels* called Roadmap:YYYYQN:


These labels replace:

 - the yearly labels we were using to track our roadmap so far
   (e.g. ~2022 and ~2023)

   I'm going to leave alone the issues with these labels: that's
   useful historical info, and these issues will get another YYYYQN
   label if they land on our updated roadmap.   

 - the YYYYQN milestones

   These milestones were never fully integrated into our workflow and
   tooling, and they don't work for some of our teams, so they are now
   obsoleted by the new labels, which should hopefully work for
   every team.

   I'll migrate the issues and MRs that have these milestones to the
   new labels (either this week or next week). After which I'll delete
   the YYYYQN milestones.

   I suppose some teams will have to accordingly update links to
   filtered boards and similar. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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