Hi Graeme,

Graeme Wilson wrote:
> I need a mentor, preferably in the Canberra region.
> I am a drive test technician and monitor mobile phone coverage across 
> Australia. I do approx 120,000km + per year and I have been collecting masses 
> of GPS data in two formats. 
> Firstly, which I will process last, from October 2007 to June 2008 is data in 
> Excel format. The 'problem' with processing this is how to eliminate the 
> periods of time when I am stopped. I'll worry about that later, but I will 
> need someone to advise me on how to convert Excel format data to gpx or 
> whatever it is, and then up load it.
> Secondly, which I want to do firstly, all data recorded since June is 
> straight ASCII text from the RS232 port of a Garmin eTrex. I can process this 
> info to eliminate the stationary info, and can extract lat and long easily to 
> form another text file, from which I could import to Excel and then up load, 
> or even to directly make gpx files myself. I can write console applications 
> in Delphi to do simple conversions of text to text, and I would prefer to 
> make the gpx files directly from the straight text.
> I need to know:
> 1: Just what is needed in the gpx files, particularly the header? I have a 
> basic understanding of xml and html (it's all text). The header is what's 
> holding me up at the moment.

I use a tool called 'gpsbabel' on Linux, I am not aware of a tool like this on 
(I assume you are using) Windows.

With gpsbabel you can convert between a large number of formats...
Perhaps you could convert the excel data into something like gpsdrive and then 
use gpsbabel to convert that to .gpx

.gpx is a XML like format from Garmin.

Perhaps someone could convert the data for you?

I've just done a bulk load for a friend who has a OpenMoko FreeRunner, we 
converted, uploaded and mapped yesterday =)

Maybe you could send me a small chunk of data and I could try a conversion and 
write a howto up?

> 2: Is the date and time stamp needed? I presume not.

No that I am aware of.

> 3: One of my main 'holdups' is that I wanted to upload altitude as well as 
> lat and long, but I have been told that altitude is deleted by OSM. Is it OK 
> to upload altitude or is this just overloading the system with unnecessary 
> info? My thoughts are that lat long and alt will give 3D pix for some future 
> generation of OSM, but if the general opinion is not to upload it, then I 
> wont.

Open Street Map is a map, its not a GIS... I don't believe that OSM stores the 
hieght data.

> 4: I see references to GPSBabel, but cannot make any sense of it. I 
> downloaded something, but it doesnt work.

=) Do you have a Linux machine handy?

> 5: Are there any clubs/groups/meetings of OSM people in the Canberra region 
> who meet on a regular basis? 

If not there should be, perhaps you guys can tag along to another computer club 
meeting and have a special interest group they way we do that with LinuxSA?

Operating Systems, Services and Operations
Information Technology Services, The University of Adelaide

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