How about this?
a remoteness index for Australia

You could invent a 'townyness' metric based on the product of the
variables of the settlement's population and its remoteness...  :)


On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 8:48 PM, Sam Couter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ian Sergeant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Should we tag rural towns and localities as significant centres to
>> accurately reflect their role in the surrounding area, even when they have
>> a low population?
>> + Yes, Some towns have very low population counts, but are very significant
>> administrative and service centres to the surrounding communities.  They
>> are a real towns, and not just localities.  We should reflect this reality
>> on the map with the place= tag.
> You're asking people to make a subjective judgement here. This will vary
> greatly and cause arguments that can't really be settled.
>> Population data shouldn't be entered at all.. It just extra information to
>> get out of date, and it can be obtained elsewhere.  Lets focus on what OSM
>> does best, mapping to reflect the reality on the ground.
> Population count is reality, and it's objective and hard to argue with.
> A compromise may be to note the population in the shire/county rather
> than just within the town itself. This often reflects its importance in
> the region. And of course the renderer may become smart enough to
> consider smaller places more important when they're a long way from
> other places.
> --
> Sam Couter         |  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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> =zBXc
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