On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 21:58:25 +1100
Matt White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This is probably a can of worms that needs opening - there are a
> number of AU specific things that I think most of us apply a
> "best-fit" approach to, that really need further discussion so we can
> come up with some level of standardisation. Roundabouts are one,
> seasonal closures a second, and personally I think the edit war
> around surface/smoothness/usability has relevance to AU mappers given
> the prevalence of unmade roads once you are outside the suburban
> areas. Add to that things like placarded load restrictions for
> tunnels, roads requiring permits (eg: Arnhem Land), emergency boom
> gates across roads where there aren't train lines and suddenly you
> start to appreciate the limitations of the UK centric system we are
> using (or perhaps it's the richness of the AU road system).

You really make it sound like we have too much fun getting around
here. ;) Haven't seen any emergency boom gates like you suggest, sounds
interesting, what are they for? 

> My two cents on roundabouts: Given the existing defintion on the
> wiki, it's probably a coin toss as to the better way - personally, I
> think mini_roundabout is fine. For standard suburban roundabouts in
> Melbourne, it about correct, and drawing a diamond shape to make a
> roundabout is just butt ugly. At least with a single node, you can
> choose to do something decent renderer wise ( a nice pretty circle or
> icon or whatever). The core idea, which is the fact that there is a
> roundabout at that point, is represented either way.

And with 4 points and a flag saying junction=roundabout an intelligent
renderer can easily beautify it up also, making an ellipse which best
fits the 4 points (And there's roundabouts around where an ellipse fits
better than a circle anyway). The other core idea that you can't
drive straight across the junction or pull a standard right turn any
more is broken however if you use a mini.



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