On Mon, 15 Dec 2008 00:22:05 -0800 (PST)
bluemm1975-...@yahoo.com wrote:

> > So after realising this I can't actually stand in support of
> > junction=roundabout on a point (or some other similar proposal) as a
> > permanent fixture, but would fully support it as a 'temporary' tag
> > to indicate at some point someone with my kind of island obsession
> > comes along and puts in the details.
> I thought the same when I first started mapping, as I wanted to show
> centre & pedestrian islands like in the Melways. But the wiki is very
> specific
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Tag:junction%3Droundabout It
> says that normal pedestrian islands aren't meant to be drawn as two
> separate ways (flares). I guess you need to add a comment to the
> discussion page or on Talk mailing list to propose something
> different. Therefore given the wiki definition, there isn't anything
> gained by having 4+ nodes when compared to a point and some kind of
> diameter value.

I think perhaps you miss-understood me, or perhaps judge my island
obsession a little too extreme. I wasn't actually talking about those
island which I personally don't draw until they're at least a car
length or so, big enough to get in the way of a u-turn or
obstruct you turning into a driveway off the side of the road.
(obviously not right on a roundabout, but that's what I use as a
rule-of-thumb idea about which islands to include).

You say given the wiki definition there isn't anything to be gained,
yet the wiki definition says:

"A standard size roundabout with up to four exits can be drawn simply
using four nodes in a diamond shape." 

To me that sounds like the definition says a roundabout is four nodes.



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