I am stoked that the import will soon commence, but I have one query. I can't remember if this has already been asked but do the boundaries of a suburb render the name of the suburb, like the place=suburb tag currently does for tagged nodes or will it just show those fancy purple lines on the map. Thanks.

On 25/02/2009, at 9:16 PM, Franc Carter <franc.car...@gmail.com> wrote:

I *believe* that it is a subdivision of a state. Sydney in an addressing sense refers to the CBD of
the city (the area with post code 2000).


On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 9:12 PM, Nick Hocking <nick.hock...@gmail.com> wrote:
I say go for it.

Although I am 150% percent against any mass loading or routable things (like roads) I think that suburbs are best done by this import and then we have to try to validate the boundaries, maybe doorknock both sides of the alledged boundary and see if people know which suburb they are in.

PS is a suburb a subdivision of a city or a state.

E.G should Prospect be in Adelaide;South Australia;Australia ... or should it be
                                    in South Australia; Australia

In Canberra it sounds better to say Turner, ACT than Turner, Canberra, ACT but I'm not so sure for larger cities.
Maybe because there is only one city in the ACT.


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