On Sat, 23 May 2009 23:08:40 -0700 (PDT)
Delta Foxtrot <delta_foxt...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> The way I see it everything is relative, I notice a discussion on the use of 
> villiage/city/hamlet/town etc and applying it to Australia, you can't apply 
> UK/US definitions to Australian places based on population simply because of 
> how sparsely populated Australia is, so why try and show horn UK definitions 
> of road features into Australia. PS the mapnik render doesn't seem to show 
> towns or hamlets when zoomed out even if there is nothing for 100s of km from 
> them.

So therefore don't use mini_roundabouts as they are not defined in any 
Australian Highway definition and your trying to do exactly the same thing you 
are saying about village/city/hamlet/town etc but with roads.

> I agree with the comment about consistency, so in that line of thinking you'd 
> have to generate some stats on the number of mini-roundabouts used and the 
> number of junction=roundabouts in combination with some kind of method of 
> detecting small roundabouts to see what the majority of them are at to gain 
> what the real consensus is.

Probably a pointless exercise as one person may use only mini-roundabouts for 
all the roundabouts they plot where as someone else draws in all roundabouts 
but has only entered half as many as that's all they have so far plotted.

This would not generate a consensus just a bunch of statistics with no real 

And just for info based on the current Australia.osm file there are 5218 
roundabouts and 3779 mini_roundabouts, of these mini_roundabouts 1401 have a 
FIXME tag requesting someone to change them to a real roundabout.
> > You can check the list archives from about November, into
> > mid December
> I'd much rather spend time enhancing maps than rehashing arguments, it comes 
> back to your conclusionary opinion in the pdf you linked to, that there 
> should be a couple of roundabout options for nodes, if for no other reason to 
> simplify the process of specifying a roundabout and to minimise the number of 
> nodes needed to do it.

Ok then include source tags on the ways you upload.

Use JOSM's "align nodes in line" where appropriate.

Roundabouts were discussed to death last year and the wiki shows what the 
opinion at the time was. As the wiki requests don't use mini_roundabouts.

Looking at your gps tracks there is a deviation on these that would indicate 
that they are not mini_roundabouts but more like the last picture on the wiki 

The landuse=residential that you have entered is inaccurate, looking at the sat 
pictures I can see industrial areas and areas with nothing at all included in 

Remember you asked the list for opinions on how the information you were adding 
looked and of course people will answer as they see it.  If you don't want to 
listen to their opinions and accept them as their then don't ask.

When I first started mapping to OSM I was given a number of hints after my 
first few uploads, (to many nodes in ways was one). I listened to these people 
and now spend less than halve the time I first did to upload this information 
and the areas I've mapped are the better for it.

If the majority of people are responding to you not to use mini_roundabouts 
then do you think that might be a good idea.


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