--- On Sun, 24/5/09, Ross Scanlon <i...@4x4falcon.com> wrote:

> So therefore don't use mini_roundabouts as they are not
> defined in any Australian Highway definition and your trying
> to do exactly the same thing you are saying about
> village/city/hamlet/town etc but with roads.

According to the PDF I was pointed at, they seem to be in at least one council 
with the possibility of more councils thinking about it.

> Probably a pointless exercise as one person may use only
> mini-roundabouts for all the roundabouts they plot where as
> someone else draws in all roundabouts but has only entered
> half as many as that's all they have so far plotted.

Were talking about averages not on a per user basis, and your pointless 
exercise seems to agree with your position on the matter so I guess it wasn't 
so pointless after all.

> Ok then include source tags on the ways you upload.

Yes, I still haven't fixed all the street names up either, so much to do, so 
little time to do it all in etc.

> Use JOSM's "align nodes in line" where appropriate.

I haven't come across this feature and I don't recall it mentioned on any of 
the beginner pages on the wiki (or I over looked it), will have to look into 
this some more.

> Looking at your gps tracks there is a deviation on these
> that would indicate that they are not mini_roundabouts but
> more like the last picture on the wiki page.

I never mentioned anything about the roundabouts in Inverell, I just added them 
the other day and kept forgetting to change them, my comments are on the tiny 
dome'y ones I've seen in Sydney.

> The landuse=residential that you have entered is
> inaccurate, looking at the sat pictures I can see industrial
> areas and areas with nothing at all included in it.

I was just copying what another user did nearby to make the area go grey to 
indicate a town better, what is a better way to do this without breaking a town 
up into industrial, commerical residential etc etc etc?

> Remember you asked the list for opinions on how the
> information you were adding looked and of course people will
> answer as they see it.  If you don't want to listen to
> their opinions and accept them as their then don't ask.

My comment was about the fact that there is no mini-roundabouts in Australia, 
not about what I'm doing specifically atm, it sort of got derailed at some 
point since my original question was on rivers.


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