Yes, back in my early osm days I yahoo'd Saint Clair in Western Sydney, only
to fin much
later when I went out with a gps that the alignment was really bad ;-(

On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 9:43 PM, Liz <> wrote:

> On Fri, 12 Jun 2009, Delta Foxtrot wrote:
> > > I've come to the realisation that every road (and
> > > everything that was placed in reference to the roads) in the
> > > suburb where I live is out by about 8-10m. Much of
> > > Brisbane's road system seems to have been traced off the
> > > Yahoo imagery, apparently without aligning it to fixed
> > > points before hand.
> >
> > 8-10m isn't that much of an error to be honest. There really isn't any
> such
> > thing as perfect data if you are using consumer grade equipment of any
> > sort, things will improve over the next 10 to 20 years with other
> > constellations of GPS like sats starting to broadcast, but until then 10m
> > is as good as it gets for the most part for most things unless you spend
> a
> > lot of time getting very very accurate positioning.
> There are definitely suburbs in SW Sydney where we have seen the same - the
> photos have not been aligned with any known points.
> There are tricks in JOSM for moving these areas en masse - can't confirm
> for any other editor.
> I think that often the amount was greater than 10 metres.
> But we aren't making a perfect plan of the area - we are making a map, and
> to me it is an aid to navigation, so the exact placement is not as important
> as the relative positions of the objects.
> But we can improve the accuracy over time as DF notes.
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