>> If the data was challenged that I entered then osm can
>> contact me for the
>> original data.  In the meantime why are we filling up
>> storage on osm with
>> data that is not producing the final product ie the map.
> Why do I need to challenge you to prove what you did was correct, if the
> GPX information is present and downloaded into say JOSM I can see if you
> did a good job or not, otherwise I am left guessing based on the data
> other people provided.

I did not say you were challenging me.  I'm talking about the final
product being challenged by MegaMap Inc and osm being able to show where
the data came from.  osm if necessary could then obtain that data from me,
the history of the origin of the data is in the database.

>> No, if someone had better than consumer grade equipment
>> then that should
> How do I take your word on that if you haven't proven yourself to be
> honest in this matter and shown your working out?

How do I take your word for it when you use an anonymous mail address and
don't sign your name to any email.

>> be uploaded and locked so that it can not be changed except
>> by the person
>> uploading the data or on request to them.  It would
>> override the consumer
>> grade equipment totally.
> Yes, people always tell the truth all the time, but that doesn't prove
> anything.

I never said that users with better than consumer grade equipment should
have an automatic right to this.  There would of course have to be some
sort of confirmation of capability by osm.

What I am saying is that if known high quality data is available don't
degrade it by averaging with known low quality data.

>> But they are very rarely (less than once a year) wrong.
> News to me, I've had several devices with various brands of GPS chips in
> them and they will say for example 8m accuracy and be out by 100m at
> times.
> I especially noticed this since I started embedding OSM maps into an app
> I'm coding and the GPS accuracy will be within a reasonable tolerance, but
> the plot on the map will be all over the place.

Hdop is not an indication of distance it is an indication of the
confidence of the accuracy of the position and it is not readily
translated to distance.  So if you had an hdop of 8 then I would expect
the position to be very inaccurate.


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