On Tue, 21 Jul 2009 13:06:02 +0000 (GMT)
John Smith <delta_foxt...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> > There are also capabilities which are builtin which really
> > have no use to 95% of users eg, friendsd, kismet.  I'd
> > be happy to drop those and have done so in my own
> > system.  Really the program needs to be more
> > modularised so that only those parts required by the user
> > are added.
> That does seem a tad strange, since anyone using debian can easily install 
> kismet and what not if they want it.

Yes but I'm talking about the parts in gpsdrive that use these, not the actual 
packages.  If you don't want them then it should be able to be installed 
without them.
> > I've got 4.1Gb total used out of 16Gb.  I know the 701
> > only has 4Gb but my install includes wine with Champainge
> The 701SD comes in an 8G model too, I am some what paranoid when it comes to 
> putting sensitive info on devices and computers so I end up encrypting most 
> of it most of the time, in this case the OS is on an unencrypted partition 
> and /home is encrypted.

I was looking at the possibility of install on a machine with 4Gb ssd only.

I just don't put sensitive info on devices.
> I'm concerned about the use of pgsql/postgis as the database backend, since 
> all of Australia/NZ bbox is about 1.6G of data normally, where as navit ends 
> up using a 50M file for the same thing.

Yes 1.6Gb of osm text file but it's about 50M-60M when put into a pgsql 
> That's fine if you have multiple users accessing a database, but I don't 
> think it's a sensible idea when it comes to single user satnav type systems. 
> I can see how this might have seemed like a good idea at some point, but it's 
> really going to dog it since you have to be some what equipped in running and 
> maintaining a full relational database.

Once setup there really is no maintenance, it's only when you want to update 
the osmdata that you have to load the new data.  Same as navit and tangogps 

Although I've put a lot of dev work into gpsdrive, I don't have much clout with 
what's used or what features are added.  Next version may be a little different 
though as lots of the new features are items I've developed.


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