As it may be painfully aware by now I've been playing around with the OSM/OSC 
data files, also it's not possible to pull the data back out of pgsql as 
osm2pgsql optimises it for mapnik.

So I ended up writing a bunch of code to get the info into mysql as I'm much 
more familiar with php/mysql than pgsql and I've written a kind of a tagwatch 
script that gets updated every 15 mins or so. Minutely change files are 
downloaded/imported and then this is the result:

Unlike the real tag watch, you can click to edit sections in potlatch/JOSM very 
easily, click through to the history of the way and so on. At the moment it's 
only showing way tags, but I plan to extend that to node and relation tags as 

I'm storing things in MySQL more or less identically to the osm format which is 
why I went to this length in the first place and I once I have a script written 
I'll be able to dump the entire database back into OSM format which osm2navit 
can then use to create daily navit binaries.


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