On 12/08/2009, at 11:20 AM, John Smith wrote:
> --- On Tue, 11/8/09, BlueMM <bluemm1975-...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> I've found Google Maps directions in Australia to be very
>> good in the past, it
>> seems to pick the best route the majority of the time.
> At times I've been routed along no through roads, other times google  
> encourages me to enter private property, it also routed me along a  
> track through a national park. Those are just the more notable  
> examples.


Which is why I usually get Google maps to give me a route, check it in  
my printed road atlas, and then use my car GPS' to remind me roughly  
when the turns are coming up.

Last night a friend sent me a Google Maps link which included an area  
I had surveyed for road names/POIs a few days ago. In a roughly 600m x  
500m section of the suburb, I can see two non-existent roads, 9 roads  
that join up when they don't, 4 roads that go across 2m streams when  
they don't, one road that is basically someone's driveway, and a whole  
bunch minor things. Not bad for 0.3 sq km.

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