--- On Wed, 26/8/09, Stephen Hope <slh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> A while ago (late last year, early this year?) a group in
> Germany did
> something like this, where they checked all the data on a
> completed
> area (I'm thinking Munich, but I may be wrong) against some
> standard
> database.  Then they doublechecked all the differences
> to make sure
> they were real, and gave the resulting list back to the
> council.  It
> was talked about on the talk list.  I think they were
> checking roads
> existence and naming, rather than the actual shape, but I
> could be
> wrong.

If you have a look at some of the SoTM09 videos there was a number of 
comparisons made with data from the local mapping authority, usually it's 
university researchers with access to commercial data doing the comparisons.


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