On 08/09/2009, at 8:57 AM, Roy Wallace wrote:
> For tagging highway=bus_stop 's, in addition to the existing  
> shelter=yes/no, I'm planning to also use bench=yes/no and  
> waste_basket=yes/no, as these features are often installed as part  
> of the bus stop itself, in Brisbane.
> Tagging separate nodes with amenity=* is not ideal, as 1) i couldn't  
> really be bothered and, more importantly, 2) they are physically  
> part of the bus stop (e.g. bench built into the bus_stop shelter;  
> waste_basket bolted to the bus_stop sign) and therefore additional  
> nodes are not even semantically more correct.

I've been doing that for a while (well, except waste_basket=*), so  
that's a +1 from me :)

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