On Fri, 11 Sep 2009 15:19:22 +1000
Roy Wallace <waldo000...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 2:15 PM, John Smith
> <deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >

> >
> > Unless waste_basket=yes is an "approved" tag the likelihood of it
> > being searched by anyone not using the tag is almost nil

So the bonus is that it works now and (arguably) isn't wrong.

> Hence the question about whether to put it on the wiki. 

Yeah, I don't know the best approach. I've seen all kinds of approaches
and they all end up in argument ~:|

> I guess this is one specific case of the broader problem of what to do
> when two separate entities are co-located (i.e. nodes would be right
> on top of each other).

Well, it depends what you're calling the "bus stop". If you go with the
"stop area" approach, these problems go away.

> In this case I guess you could use
> highway=bus_stop *and* amenity=waste_basket (i.e. share a single
> node), but this becomes a problem when you want to tag two things with
> the same key, e.g. amenity=bench *and* amenity=shelter.

That old chestnut. That is schema fail, but the cabal won't see reason.
It's always popping up stopping us from representing the real world. Got
the t-shirt.


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