On Fri, 11 Sep 2009 10:44:55 +1000
Ashley Kyd <a...@kyd.com.au> wrote:

> As far as I know, it's a problem in different locations from year to
> year though. That would mean it needs cleaning up each year after the
> magpie season's over.

Assuming they nest reasonably consistently in the same place year after
year (maybe not), there would be no harm in keeping it there as a
"hazard=magpie_nesting_area" or such. (I just made that up.)

> It'd be good if we could set some kind of node expiry tag to flag
> nodes and ways for deletion in 3 months time (or however long the
> problem is likely to last,) but otherwise it sounds like a bit too
> much hassle.

I'd like that, too. It's also been discussed regarding temporary
features like events and road closures and seasonal features. T-shirt.

Anyway, it might be one of those things like bus timetables that are
best kept separate to OSM.

> (Also, I'm not going to stick around and work out where the attack
> perimeter is. You can do that. They're nasty creatures. ;)

Let's see who the dedicated mappers are. :D


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