2009/9/14 Neil Penman <ianaf4...@yahoo.com>

> I got whacked on the back of the head while mapping at the weekend.  I was 
> just writing down the name of a park in Glenroy when it hit me.  At first I 
> thought it was one of the locals so it was a bit of a relief to see the 
> magpie fly off. Unfortunately i wasn't on my bike so no helmet, lots of blood.


> I think they are intelligent birds which is why some are real nasty and some 
> never attack.  The ones that do seem to do it for sport and its the same ones 
> year after year.

And you link to a crime site :)

> The following website is a much cooler way of representing assaults, avian or 
> otherwise 
> http://sanfrancisco.crimespotting.org/#lon=-122.438&hours=0-23&zoom=13&dtend=2009-08-25T13:34:36-07:00&lat=37.760&dtstart=2009-08-14T12:59:49-07:00&types=AA,Mu,Ro,SA,DP,Na,Al,Pr,Th,VT,Va,Bu,Ar
> You can see attacks by time of day, time of year.

It shouldn't be too hard to hack up a quick db that can do a layer
over the top, I think people were suggesting to put this info directly
into OSM but that may over kill a simpler DB can do the same thing in
the same way as the crime db does.

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