John Smith wrote:
> I received a reply about the cost to rent a plane, about 230GBP for
> one hour and the airport was close to the place they were
> photographying and it was mostly a PR stunt.
> Due to the sideways angle they are having difficulty rectifying images
> and that side of things is being worked on however companies doing
> this on a professional basis have a custom fit out of a plane with
> gyro stabalising mounts and super expensive medium format or bigger
> film sizes.
> I was pointed to this link, which I've already seen and forgot about,
> but it seems sat imagery is cheaper than trying to do it by plane:
> About 12-17$ per sq km, US$ I'm guessing, although AU$ is up to 87c again.
> If we could raise the funds needed the only question then is what do
> we want imagery of?
That's for the two metre resolution - a plane would probably give better 
than 50cm resolution using a decent camera. Need to find some trainee 
pilots who need the flight time, and split the cost of the plane. Not 
sure how you'd rig the camera though.

I'd vote for getting a selection of regional towns - population > 5000, 
with a reasonable number of smallers towns located close by (well, close 
in AU terms - within say 100km. Vic examples would be 
Hamilton/Casterton/Portland area, maybe Naracoorte or Renmark in SA). I 
think the approach has to be to kick off with the larger town - we do 
initial tracing to lay down the core road grid and style, and work out a 
way of getting someone in that town to start tracing and naming (thus no 
GPSr entry cost for the local mappers), and then work out how to 
publicise the fact. I'd try and use the local papers to do so - a quick 
article about how OSM is paying for high res aerial, and now we need to 
make some decent maps would kick it off. The regional papers would 
publish that sort of thing no probs (although you might need to target 
the few remaining independents rather than the Rural/APN papers).

There's also the Blokes Shed groups - retired blokes who tinker, who 
could probably benefit from the exercise walking around the town... 
although they could probably do most of it from memory.

If the satellite is good enough and cheap enough, most of these town 
might only be 20 sq km, so buying the sat imagery is possibly more 
viable cost wise.

Either way, the big issue in Australia is trying to get people invloved 
in the regional areas, as it's just not feasible for us city folk to leg 
it 400km on the weekend to map a town.

(That said, I've discovered that jumping onto the V-Line train early 
morning with the bike, and getting off at an unmapped town is both 
viable and cheap - a lot cheaper than driving there. You can get through 
a small town in a day easily on a bike. Just make sure you know when the 
last train back home is...)


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