On Thu, 24 Sep 2009 13:15 +1000, "John Smith"
<deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2009/9/24  <cam_...@fastmail.fm>:
> > - As for starters there are very few council / contractor staff that
> > have GPS units (and are able to use them).
> I think you misunderstood me, geocoding turns lat/lon into street
> addresses, you can see examples of this when you type a lat/lon into
> google maps it will give you an address approximation for the co-ords.
I didn't know that was possible :P
geocoding sounds quite good, but approximation isn't usually good
I would recommend an optional address field that allows the
bug-submitter to specify an address, ontop of the lat/lon information.
> > - In time it'll be done, as my OSM work is currently voluntary
> > out-of-work time.
> I would think the majority of OSM mapping is on a voluntary basis.
> Maybe you should see if you can get some paid time to improve things
> for your council, this could be tourism/leisure type stuff ie
> footpaths/bike paths/jogging tracks etc :)
I'm currently busy enough as it is at work, and I can't say that there's
any room for a budget that'd allow me to do this.
But, it's a damn fine idea though - I'll have to investigate this option
> Then the resulting maps could be used for tourism, not sure if that's
> done much as it is in regional areas, most councils in regional areas
> usually seem to staff a tourism centre.
The council I work for does provide walking maps to the general public,
but that was simply the result of a few volunteers - this is indeed
something I'd like to rejuvenate with OSM maps that've been
custom-rendered rather than a few red lines over a Sydways map.
- Rhubarb

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