> I'm still a relative newcomer to OSM (and am still in wonder at the 
> complexity and enormity of the task!) and have found this discussion quite 
> interesting.  I only use Potlatch as I was advised it was simple, and for 
> beginners, and it loaded by default in the edit screen.  I use an Oregon300 
> GPS.  I started only using the tag source=survey until Potltach added the GPS 
> tag.  I thought that the Wiki had simply not been updated but that some 
> "official" (so to speak) decision had been made to encourage the use of the 
> tag source=GPS.  I then went back to my traces and changed the source to GPS 
> to keep up with the default application.  

Potlatch is good for simple edits, josm is much better in the long run.

Have a look at:


as you can see there a few to chose from.

> From what I've read I now will go back to source=survey and add the tag 
> survey=gps.  I will consider further the advantages of further definition to 
> GPS type (I think that could well end up in a Commodore/Falcon and 
> Landcruiser/Patrol debate).

Good idea of John's wasn't it.  Yes gps type could easily end up like that and 
I don't see any great advantage, unless you have dgps or the like.


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