2009/9/30 Dan O&#39;Hara <detect...@yahoo.com.au>:
> The Telopea Park references, outside of parentheses, would appear to be grid
> points expressed in a Transverse Mercator projection of the Australian
> National Spheroid ie very old (yards not metres I suspect) and not much use
> unless you know the map and central meridian.  The numbers in parentheses
> would appear to be very, very, very, accurate decimal lats and longs (my GPS
> only goes to 5 decimal places).

You also get those sorts of number of decimal places when converting too.

I'm trying to think of the system, it was used in street directories
etc, you end up with like H56 as the grid co-ord, then you have number
of metres from the starting x,y co-ord.

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