I just took another look at the transformation tool 
and the spreadsheet is giving out the AMG lat long not MGA.
I entered the lat long that the tool states is MGA into g'sat imagery and 
presto, mark straight on top of bbq!

I will have a bit more of a play with the spreadsheet, but I think it may be a 
two step process, from ACT->AMG->MGA(WGS84)


On Saturday 03 Oct 2009 10:21:57 John Smith wrote:
> 2009/10/3 James Livingston <doc...@mac.com>:
> > On 03/10/2009, at 5:21 PM, Evan Sebire wrote:
> >> If someone knows a bbq that is clearly visible on the satellite
> >> imagery that
> >> would help to verify the procedure.
> >
> > There are two at
> > http://maps.bigtincan.com/?z=17&ll=-35.293,149.093&layer=B00000000TT
> >
> > I think I did those from waypoints, but possibly I'm thinking of
> > somewhere else and they were from imagery.
> Look at g'sat imagery there appears to be three:
> http://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=-35.293,149.
> 093&sll=-35.456155,149.084899&sspn=0.00163,0.003484&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=117+W
> eston+Park+Rd,+Yarralumla+ACT+2600&ll=-35.292513,149.093419&spn=0.000817,0.
> 001742&t=h&z=20
> Although the object towards the bottom left may be something similar
> sized/shaped to a BBQ.
> Does anyone know if these BBQs have ID markings on them so we can
> match BBQs from the list to lat/lon and then hand the ACT govt a
> better list of BBQs back? :)
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