On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 7:04 PM, John Smith <deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I was asked this off list because the draft rules didn't stipulate,
> but the current draft is based on the Model Rules published by the
> Dept of Fair Trading NSW.
Looks good. I just had some questions on process: point 21.9 says
"Meetings may, unless a Special Resolution has been proposed, be held
by telecommunication or other electronic means." (suggesting Special
Resolutions must be held in a more traditional manner) and then point
32 asserts that a proxy may be appointed. Is it likely that if a
Special Resolution meeting was required to be held, a quorum of
members (or representatives of members) would be able to meet?

I also note that point 33.2 "All votes must be given personally or by
proxy but no member may hold more than five proxies." would mean that
for 16 members to vote unanimously, 3 people would have to hold those
proxies. I am assuming that a member must vote the same as the proxies
they hold, so for a vote with disagreement more people may be

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